Conversion efforts (sometimes wrongly called therapies) are not only ineffective at changing someone’s sexual orientation or gender identity, they are also harmful in many ways.
Members of the 2SLGBTQIA+ community don’t need fixing, they need acceptance and support. Conversion efforts offer none of that.
Conversion efforts may now be illegal in Canada, but it doesn’t mean they are not still happening. They can be really hard to spot, so we need to stay alert.
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Conversion efforts (sometimes wrongly called therapies) are:
• Ineffective
• Harmful
• Illegal
• UnethicalYet they are still probably happening in Canada. Read the full post and share with your circle to raise awareness https://t.co/XOjSFGAJDA#ScienceUpFirst pic.twitter.com/VPvU82S2iJ
— ScienceUpFirst | LaScienced’Abord (@ScienceUpFirst) July 20, 2023
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- APA Resolution on Sexual Orientation Change Efforts
- Facts about “Conversion Therapy”
- Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Change Efforts are Unethical and Harmful
- Health Ministry bans ‘conversion therapy’ by medical professionals
- Proposed changes to Canada’s Criminal Code Relation to: Conversion Therapy | FR : Modifications proposées au Code criminel du Canada concernant les thérapies de conversion
- Banning Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Change Efforts
- Cisnormativity as a structural barrier to STI testing for trans masculine, two-spirit, and non-binary people who are gay, bisexual, or have sex with men
- The Psychological Society of South Africa’s guidelines for psychology professionals working with sexually and gender-diverse people: towards inclusive and affirmative practice
- No Conversion Canada
- Conversion Therapy in Canada: A Guide for Legislative Action
- Sexual Orientation Change Efforts among LGBT+ People of Kerala: Prevalence, Correlates, and Mental Health Aspects
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- Experiences of ex-ex-gay individuals in sexual reorientation therapy: reasons for seeking treatment, perceived helpfulness and harmfulness of treatment, and post-treatment identification
- Sexual orientation change efforts among current or former LDS church members
- Self-Reported Sexual Orientation and Identity Before and After Sexual Reorientation Therapy
- Therapeutic Antidotes: Helping Gay and Bisexual Men Recover from Conversion Therapies
- Sexual orientation change efforts and the search for authenticity
- Preventing Harm, Promoting Justice: Responding to LGBT Conversion Therapy in Australia
- Gender Dysphoria: A Medical and Ethical Perplexity as Distinct From Reality and the Rational Approach for Muslim Young People
- Parent-Initiated Sexual Orientation Change Efforts With LGBT Adolescents: Implications for Young Adult Mental Health and Adjustment
- Fondation émergence | FR : Fondation émergence
- Religiosity and Conversion Therapy is Associated with Psychosocial Health Problems among Sexual Minority Men (SMM) in Nigeria
- Gender Identity : importance of an education free of stereotypes | FR : Identité de genre : importance d’une éducation non stéréotypée
- Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity
- Following ICD-11, Rebuilding Mental Health Care for Transgender Persons: Leads from Field Experimentations in Lille, France
- New Health Guidelines Propel Transgender Rights
- 17 May: International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia
- Out of DSM: Depathologizing Homosexuality
- Gender Dysphoria Diagnosis
- Canada: Bill C-4 Banning Conversion Therapy Comes into Force
- C-4 (44-1) | FR : C-4 (44-1)
- Legislative Summary of Bill C-4: An Act to amend the Criminal Code (conversion therapy)
- FR : Résumé législatif du projet de loi C-4 : Loi modifiant le Code criminel (thérapie de conversion)
- A year after Canada banned conversion therapy, Ottawa says no criminal charges laid
- ‘Not always a therapy session’: Quebec campaign shares dangers of conversion therapy
- Ideology underpinning conversion therapy has foothold despite ban: LGBTQ2S+ advocates
- Conversion Therapy: A Dangerous and Criminal Practice | FR : Thérapie de conversion : des pratiques interdites et dangereuses
- Put an End to conversion practices | FR : Thérapies de conversion
- Everything you need to know about conversion therapy
- ‘I still have flashbacks’: the ‘global epidemic’ of LGBT conversion therapy
- What acts related to conversion therapy are now illegal? | FR : Quelles actions liées aux thérapies de conversion sont maintenant illégales?
- How do you spot conversion therapy practices? | FR : Comment identifier les pratiques cachées de thérapie de conversion?
- Reporting a Crime to the Police | FR : Porter plainte à la police après un crime
- Compensation for Crime Victims (IVAC) | FR : Le programme d’indemnisation des victimes d’actes criminels (IVAC)
- Helpful support for conversion therapy survivors | FR : Soutiens utiles pour les survivant.e.s de thérapies de conversion