Climate delay is all about discouraging climate action. This includes:
- Suggesting that others need to act first before we do
- Claiming that disruptive changes are not necessary to achieve our goal.
- Focusing on imperfections in the proposed solutions and using them to argue against implementation.
- Leading you to believe that it’s simply not possible to mitigate climate change.
- Misleading you into believing some actions have a greater climate impact than they actually do.
While some of these arguments hold some truth and are important to discuss in certain contexts, solutions don’t have to be perfect or “all-or-nothing” to be implemented. Suggesting otherwise is only delaying urgent and much needed climate actions.
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Whataboutism, the ‘free rider’ excuse, policy perfectionism, appeal to well-being, fossil fuel solutionism… What does that all mean?
They’re types of arguments used to delay important climate actions. Learn to recognize them here https://t.co/pWzx0dsoT6#ScienceUpFirst pic.twitter.com/NadMtoIVFb
— ScienceUpFirst | LaScienced’Abord (@ScienceUpFirst) December 6, 2023
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