The COVID-19 vaccines were developed in under a year! That’s UH-mazingly fast! But here’s why you DON’T need to worry about it being ~too fast~
The COVID-19 vaccines were developed quickly *without* compromising safety. The timeline was sped up ♂️by doing steps in parallel instead of sequentially, plus global collaboration.
Adverse events from vaccines, while EXTREMELY rare (~1-2 in a million for flu vaccine), usually happen within months to weeks following vaccination (any major issues would’ve shown up by now).
Researchers didn’t start from scratch! They’ve been studying related coronaviruses for YEARS.
RNA-based therapies (like Moderna and Pfizer/BioNTech) have benefited from 3+ decades of rigorous research.
SO… “long story short,” the COVID-19 vaccines have been a *long* time coming, which allowed them to be created safely in a *short* amount of time.