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La culture scientifique


La culture scientifique a de nombreuses définitions et son sens a évolué au fil du temps.

De quoi s’agit-il ? Pourquoi est-ce important de s’y intéresser ? Comment peux-tu améliorer ta connaissance de la culture scientifique ?

On fait le tour de la question! N’hésite pas à nous donner ta définition de la culture scientifique et ce que tu fais pour la développer !

  1. Science Literacy: Concepts, Contexts, and Consequences | National Academies Press | October 2016
  2. Chapter 25: Science, Scientific Literacy, and Science Education | Handbook of Research on Science Education (Routledge) | March 2023
  3. (Mis)informed about what? | PNAS | April 2021
  4. Chapter 2: Principles and Definitions | National Science Education Standards | 1996
  5. Science Literacy | University of Toronto Gerstein Science Information Centre | 2023
  6. Developing Science Literacy in Students and Society: Theory, Research, and Practice | Journal of Microbiology & Biology Education | April 2023
  7. Promoting Science Literacy and Awareness across the Globe: the Role of Scientists as Science Ambassadors | Journal of Microbiology & Biology Education | April 2023
  8. Scientific Literacy: A Conceptual Overview | Science Education | January 2000
  9. The Nature of Science: From Test Tubes to YouTube | The American Biology Teacher | November 2010
  10. The Meaning of Scientific Literacy | International Journal of Environmental and Science Education | July 2009
  11. Science Literacy for All: More than a Slogan, Logo, or Rally Flag! | Issues and Challenges in Science Education Research | January 2012
  12. Increasing Science Literacy – and Trust and Value Fluency | Canadian Science Policy Centre | December 2020
  13. Beyond Science Literacy: Science and the Public | International Journal of Environmental & Science Education | July 2009
  14. Views: Science Literacy: Public understanding of science is becoming vitally needed in developing and industrialized countries alike | American Scientist | May 1975

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