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How lies spread: Learn to spot these 5 Misinformer Tactics


Don’t fall into the fake news trap!

Last month we put out a series of Misinformer Tactics

Here is a recap of common Misinformer Tactics so you can be on the lookout!

  1. Astroturfing. This practice gives the *appearance* of grassroots, authentic support but is really operated by just a few individuals.
  2. False Dichotomies. Misinformers will often present options as black or white. But in reality there are many different shades of grey.
  3. Red Herring. This tactic distracts from the point at hand to redirect the conversation. Feeling misdirected? Ask whether the information provided is relevant.
  4. Appeal to Nature. We have a bias towards things that appear to be “natural”. But natural isn’t always better and this bias can lead us down some dangerous roads.
  5. Causal Fallacy. When we see: A followed by B; our brains want to jump to: A caused B. But that is not always the case. Correlation does not equal causation!

Look through to see the amazing illustrations created by Jordan Collver (@JordanCollver on Twitter)

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