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Privacy Notice

ScienceUpFirst has created this post in collaboration with the Privy Council Office’s Impact and Innovation Unit (BPCO-IIU) and Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC) as part of a larger study to better understand Canadians’ beliefs, attitudes, knowledge, and behaviours related to climate change. The results of this study will help improve policies, programs and public communications. 

The following gives you information about the research, what you will be asked to do, and how your data will be handled. Please read carefully and take all the time you need. Choosing whether to participate is entirely up to you.

What will you be asked to do? 

You will be asked a few short questions about your beliefs, attitudes, knowledge, and/or behaviours related to climate change. You will not be asked for any information that could directly identify you, such as your name, address, or full date of birth. 

Participation in this study is voluntary. However, once you have responded to any of the questions, it will not be possible for us to change or remove your responses because the research team will have no way of knowing which responses belong to you. 

What are the benefits of participating?

Your participation in this study will help advance our understanding of what Canadians know about climate change and what factors influence their knowledge of it. This may benefit future policies, programs, and public communications on these topics. There are no known risks to your participation. However, if you feel uncomfortable at any time during this study, you may stop participating by closing stories and not answering the quiz.

How will your data be collected and handled?

The personal information that you provide in this survey is protected by the Privacy Act.  

Storage and access: Your responses will be stored by Meta as per their privacy policy, however this data will only be used by ScienceUpFirst in an aggregate form (e.g. the proportion of individuals who answered a, b, c, or d) and no identifying features will be included. Once all responses have been collected, the de-identified data will be provided to and stored indefinitely by the Privy Council Office’s Impact and Innovation Unit (PCO-IIU) on the department’s Protected B network (meeting Government of Canada policies and standards relating to the protection of confidential information) and accessed by password-protected computers. PCO-IIU has numerous physical, technical, and administrative safeguards to protect the de-identified data from unauthorized access throughout its full life cycle (i.e., collection, use, dissemination, retention and/or disposal). 

Summaries in aggregate form (i.e., grouped responses, not individual-level data) will be shared within the federal government, and may be shared with provincial/territorial, and municipal governments to inform policy, programs, and communications. These summaries may also be presented at research conferences and/or in research publications. Individual-level de-identified data may be made publicly available through an open access repository or scientific journal in accordance with best practices for open science. 

Data is collected by PCO-IIU under authorities established via Budget 2017, the 2018 evaluation of the PCO Central Innovation Hub, the 2018-2022 Impact Canada Operational Plan, and the Treasury Board Secretariat’s Experimentation Direction for Deputy Heads (2016). The IIU partners with federal departments and agencies to apply insights and methods from social and behavioural sciences to improve policies, programs, and public communications.

Who can you contact with questions? 

For any questions related to this study, please send an email to or For questions, comments, concerns or complaints about our privacy practices, please contact the Access to Information and Privacy Coordinator:

11 Metcalfe Street, Ottawa, Ontario, K1A 0A3
Telephone: 613-957-5228
Fax: 613-960-4201

If you are not satisfied with our response to your privacy concern, you may contact the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada:

30 Victoria Street, Gatineau, Quebec, K1A 1H3

Toll-free: 1-800-282-1376

Phone: (819) 994-5444

Fax: (819) 994-5424

TTY: (819) 994-6591

Consent to Participate

By responding to the questions in this story and agreeing to participate in this study, you retain your legal rights, and the investigators and involved institutions must fulfil their legal and professional responsibilities. Thank you for your interest, and for your assistance with this project.