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Gender-affirming care: what it is and isn’t


The most important thing about gender-affirming care is that it saves lives.

If someone you know is transitioning it is probably not “just a phase” and is certainly not a “trend” (22). Not being able to be your true self can cause intense and genuine distress which can lead to life-threatening conditions.

Gender-affirming care does not aim to change who the person truly is, but on the contrary to help them reach their full potential.


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A post shared by ScienceUpFirst (@scienceupfirst)(opens in a new tab)

  1. What is Gender Dysphoria?  
  2. Gender dysphoria – Symptoms and causes
  3. Gender affirming options for gender independent children and adolescents(opens PDF)
  4. Gender Dysphoria Diagnosis
  5. What is gender-affirming care? Your questions answered
  6. Gender-Affirming Medical Care
  7. Gender-Affirming Care and Young People(opens PDF)
  8. Gender Affirmation: Do I Need Surgery?
  9. Gender-affirming Care Saves Lives
  10. Gender Affirmation Nonsurgical Services
  11. Puberty blockers for transgender and gender-diverse youth  
  12. An affirming approach to caring for transgender and gender-diverse youth | FR : Une approche d’affirmation pour les soins aux jeunes transgenres et de diverses identités de genre
  13. Everything You Need to Know About Gender Affirming Care
  14. Gender Affirmation Surgeries
  15. Top Surgery (Chest Feminization or Chest Masculinization)
  16. Phalloplasty for Gender Affirmation
  17. Phalloplasty and metoidioplasty – overview and postoperative considerations
  18. Vaginoplasty for Gender Affirmation 
  19. Vaginoplasty procedures, complications and aftercare
  20. Facial Feminization Surgery (FFS)
  21. Standards of Care
  22. Debunking the Myths About Gender-Affirming Care
  23. Busting Myths About Gender-Affirming Medical Care
  24. Puberty blockers for transgender and gender diverse youth-a critical review of the literature
  25. Access to gender-affirming hormones during adolescence and mental health outcomes among transgender adults
  26. Masculinizing hormone therapy
  27. Feminizing hormone therapy
  28. How common is transgender treatment regret, detransitioning?
  29. Regret after Gender-affirmation Surgery: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of Prevalence
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