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Mental illness is real


TW: This post mentions suicide.

Why do some claim that mental disorders are “fake” and that we should just “pull ourselves up by our bootstraps and move on”?

While resilience is a good thing, dismissing mental disorders as imaginary or personal weakness is misinformed and counterproductive.

Mental disorders can be truly debilitating and impair the everyday functioning of an individual. On a societal level, the economic cost of mental illness in Canada is over $50 billion per year (17,18). Depression and anxiety alone may have an economic cost on the world of US$1 trillion each year (6).

While a mental disorder generally only describes symptoms being experienced, it does not explain its cause. However, we do know of reliable factors that play a role in mental illness (2,19,20,21):

Genetics, and its interaction with the environment (22,23,24)

  • Certain genes and family history may be associated with elevated risk


  • Exposure to drugs or alcohol during fetal development (25,26,27,28)
  • Bidirectional interaction between physical conditions and mental disorders (e.g., heart disease) (7,29,30,31,32)

Environmental (33,34,35)

  • Adverse childhood experience (bullying, emotional abuse, maltreatment, parental loss) (36,37,38)
  • Abuse, trauma, adversity (39,40,41)
  • Socio-economic status, education, inequalities (42,43,44)

Other psychological factors (45-54)

A mental diagnosis can provide relief, clarify a treatment plan, and qualify you for certain insurance benefits, but it can understandably be distressing. Don’t hesitate to bring up your concerns with your healthcare professional, or get a second opinion.

It’s also important to remember that for many there is still a lot of stigma in getting psychiatric help. Belittling mental disorders only adds to this stigma, needlessly prolonging mental distress.


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  1. Mental Illness in Canada – Data Blog – Public Health Infobase
  2. Mental disorders
  3. About mental illness
  4. What is Mental Illness?
  5. Risks of all-cause and suicide mortality in mental disorders: a meta-review
  6. Mental health
  7. The Relationship between Mental Health, Mental Illness and Chronic Physical Conditions
  8. Disability and Health Overview
  9. Is Mental Illness Real?
  10. Your Diagnosis
  11. Mental illness – Diagnosis and treatment
  12. How Do You Diagnose a Mental Illness?
  13. Depression Assessment Instruments
  14. Understanding psychological testing and assessment
  15. Mental Status Examination in Primary Care: A Review
  16. Making the Case for Investing in Mental Health in Canada | FR : LA NÉCESSITÉ D’INVESTIR DANS LA SANTÉ MENTALE AU CANADA
  17. A review of the economic impact of mental illness
  18. World mental health report: Transforming mental health for all
  19. Fast Facts about Mental Health and Mental Illness
  20. About Mental Health
  21. Genetics of borderline personality disorder: Systematic review and proposal of an integrative model
  22. Epigenetic Basis of Mental Illness
  23. Genetics of psychiatric disorders in the GWAS era: an update on schizophrenia
  24. Prenatal alcohol exposure and offspring mental health: A systematic review
  25. Psychiatric Illness in a Clinical Sample of Children with Prenatal Alcohol Exposure
  26. Psychiatric conditions associated with prenatal alcohol exposure
  27. Consequences of prenatal toxin exposure for mental health in children and adolescents
  28. Mental disorders and medical comorbidity
  29. Chronic Illness and Mental Health: Recognizing and Treating Depression
  30. Mood Disorders in the Medically Ill: Scientific Review and Recommendations
  31. Association between Mental Disorders and Subsequent Medical Conditions
  32. The impact of environmental factors in severe psychiatric disorders
  33. Environmental Risk Factors for Schizophrenia and Bipolar Disorder and Their Relationship to Genetic Risk: Current Knowledge and Future Directions
  34. Mental health: environmental factors
  35. Impact of environmental factors on mental health of children and adolescents: A systematic review
  36. Childhood trauma and adult mental disorder: A systematic review and meta-analysis of longitudinal cohort studies
  37. Association of Childhood Trauma Exposure With Adult Psychiatric Disorders and Functional Outcomes
  38. Sexual Abuse and Lifetime Diagnosis of Psychiatric Disorders: Systematic Review and Meta-analysis
  39. Understanding the Impact of Trauma – Trauma-Informed Care in Behavioral Health Services
  40. Poverty and common mental disorders in low and middle income countries: A systematic review
  41. Socioeconomic inequalities and mental health problems in children and adolescents: A systematic review
  42. Social determinants of mental disorders and the Sustainable Development Goals: a systematic review of reviews
  43. The Relationship Between Big Five Personality Traits and Psychotic Experience in a Large Non-clinical Youth Sample: The Mediating Role of Emotion Regulation
  44. Big 5 Personality Traits and Alcohol, Nicotine, Cannabis, and Gambling Disorder Comorbidity
  45. Personality traits and dimensions of mental health
  46. Associations of negative cognitions, emotional regulation, and depression symptoms across four continents: International support for the cognitive model of depression
  47. The effect of psychological treatment on repetitive negative thinking in youth depression and anxiety: a meta-analysis and meta-regression
  48. Rumination: A Cycle of Negative Thinking
  49. Building Trauma Informed Practice: Appreciating the Impact of Trauma in the Lives of Women with Substance Abuse and Mental Health Problems
  50. Lifestyle choices and mental health: a representative population survey
  51. Association between common stressful life events and coping strategies in adults
  52. Associations between coping strategies and mental health outcomes in autistic adults