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“Is this a vaccine side-effect?”


If you’ve recently been vaccinated, your immune system is working hard and learning how to fight SaRS-CoV-2 spike proteins. This will mean that if you ever encounter the real virus, your body is ready!
But along the way, sometimes our bodies react in weird ways to the COVID-19 vaccines. A sore arm, achiness, mild headaches, or even swollen armpit glands are all normal. Most side-effects go away within a few days. Swipe through to see how common they are.
There are extremely rare side effects, particularly linked to the AstraZeneca vaccine, that can be more serious. Our friend @science.sam has a great story highlight about the signs of the severe clotting side effect called VITT.
The stats in this post are from a big UK study of reactions to the Pfizer/BioNTech and Astrazeneca vaccines, published in April 2021 in the Lancet. You can read it here: