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Which COVID-19 vaccine is best?” ANSWER: The one that’s approved and available to you. Here’s why ⤵️

Each COVID-19 vaccine is different, so we might be tempted to shop around for “the best one.”

But we have to remember that clinical trials were done at different times, in different places, and with different endpoints, so we can’t compare efficacy numbers from Phase 3 trials.

And in the meantime, ALL of the vaccines approved in Canada thus far had 100% efficacy against hospitalization and death in trials! Real world data collected outside of trials has been showing incredibly high effectiveness for preventing hospitalization and death too – that’s exactly what we need to end this crisis.

REMEMBER: If you wait for a specific vaccine, you’re NOT protected during that time.

Get vaccinated as soon as it becomes available to you! Your doctor and public health unit can answer specific questions.