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Asking someone if they have been thinking about suicide can help them.


It is a common misconception to think that talking about suicide with someone can lead to them having suicidal thoughts. In reality, it can give them an opportunity to speak and help them find the right words to explain their feelings – they might even be relieved that you asked (1,2). 

When talking to someone you are worried about, start by letting them know how much they matter to you and that you care about them. Once they know they are not alone, you can ask them directly if they have been thinking about suicide (2). Remember to stay calm even if they say they are having, or have had, suicidal thoughts (3). Let the person know you are listening without judging them. Let them share their thoughts and feelings without trying to solve their problems. Simply being there and acknowledging and validating their feelings goes a long way (learn more about active listening – 4). When it feels appropriate, gently remind them that help is available and that they deserve support – they don’t have to face their struggles alone (2). They can call or text 9-8-8 anytime, or check our sources for some useful links (5,6,7). 

Finding the right words when talking to someone who is struggling can be challenging. This is where using safe and inclusive language becomes essential (8,9). Let us know in the comments if you would like us to discuss how to communicate in a way that is both supportive and sensitive to the person’s needs.


Suicide Crisis Helpline (9-8-8) 

Mental Health Helplines & Resources | ScienceUpFirst

  1. Facts about suicide | 9-8-8: Suicide Crisis Helpline
  2. Talk to someone you are worried about | 9-8-8: Suicide Crisis Helpline
  3. How to Ask Someone If They Are Thinking About Suicide | The JED Foundation
  4. A friendly guide to Active Listening | ScienceUpFirst | May 9, 2024
  5. Suicide Crisis Helpline | 9-8-8: Suicide Crisis Helpline
  6. Community Resources | 9-8-8: Suicide Crisis Helpline
  7. Mental Health Helplines & Resources | ScienceUpFirst
  8. Suicide-safe language | 9-8-8: Suicide Crisis Helpline
  9. Here’s what not to say to someone with a mental illness | ScienceUpFirst | September 22, 2024

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