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Homeopathy: What it is and isn’t


Homeopathy can be appealing as it is marketed to be tailored to everyone’s specific needs and as a gentle medicine. But it is also controversial and an unproven system of care. Here is why

  • Controversial because it follows principles that don’t align with those of modern science.
  • Unproven because most studies have yet to find any true benefit to them other than the placebo effect. Don’t get us wrong, the placebo effect can be very strong, but it doesn’t mean homeopathic products should be used to treat a serious health condition.

For these reasons, homeopathic products like nosodes should also never be used to prevent a serious health condition. Advertising these products as “cures” is severely misleading and can be very dangerous.

If you are feeling unwell, your best option is to talk to a licensed healthcare professional first.


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