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Your gut does not need to be “cleansed”


Here we are again at the beginning of the year, a time for reflection and making changes. You may have your health on that list, but are colon cleanses the best way to renew your health? Studies show that’s not the case.

Don’t worry! Toxins and poop are not building up in your intestine (1,2). Here is why

First, the cells making the lining of your intestine shed to make room for new cells at least once a week (3,4). This regular turnover makes it impossible for stools to adhere to the wall (4).

Second, your liver, kidneys, lungs, intestines and immune system are built to effectively neutralize and eliminate harmful substances, such as toxins, particles and pathogens (including parasites) from your body (5,6,7).

Your gut is a well oiled machine that cleanse itself efficiently and regularly. It most likely does not need an intrusive and expensive cleanse to be healed of anything.

If your bowel movements are regular (i.e. stools are passed once every one to three days), easy and not painful, and your stools are soft/firm and sausage shaped, your gut is most likely healthy (14,16)!


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