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Has climate change got you feeling anxious?


Staying hopeful in light of this summer’s climate events can be a real challenge. If you are feeling eco-anxious, we hear ya, we’re experiencing it too.

When we feel this way it’s easy to focus on the bad and forget about all the good things that are happening in parallel. This is called the negativity bias – it’s a really strong effect (26).

To help you out, we have matched some disastrous climate events from this summer, each with a good news story. As a bonus, the last slide is filled with climate good news you can share with your eco-anxious friends to remind them of the amazing actions that are possible.


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  1. Climate Hope is everywhere that you are
  2. Ten reasons to be hopeful about climate action
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  8. ‘Something’s changed’: Summer 2023 is screaming climate change, scientists say
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  25. Doomscrolling: What It Is & How to Stop
  26. Why we focus on the bad stuff | FR : Pourquoi focalisons-nous sur les mauvaises choses  
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