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Lyme disease can be serious


Fall brings colder temperatures, apple picking, soup, and long walks in the woods enjoying the colours. It is also the time of the year that adult ticks are the most active. Tick-borne diseases, such as Lyme disease, can be serious and it is important that you get your facts right.

Here are 5 things about ticks and Lyme disease that you may not know:

  • Ticks are not just in the USA and are a big problem in Canada too.
  • There is no such thing as a tick season.
  • Not all ticks and tick bites will result in a Lyme disease infection.
  • All Canadians are at risk of being infected by Lyme disease.
  • Not every infected person develops the target-like, also known as bull’s eye, rash after being bitten.

The best way to prevent any tick-borne disease is to avoid being bitten by a tick so make sure to check our reference list for all the tips on how to do just that!


Think you know everything about ticks already? Try this quiz from Tick Talk

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