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Science Literacy


Science literacy can mean different things and its definition has changed over time. 

What is it? Why is it important to care about it? How can you improve your science literacy?

Let’s explore these questions. Don’t hesitate to share with us your understanding of science literacy and what you do to develop it!

  1. Science Literacy: Concepts, Contexts, and Consequences | National Academies Press | October 2016
  2. Chapter 25: Science, Scientific Literacy, and Science Education | Handbook of Research on Science Education (Routledge) | March 2023
  3. (Mis)informed about what? What it means to be a science-literate citizen in a digital world | PNAS | April 2021
  4. Chapter 2: Principles and Definitions | National Science Education Standards | 1996
  5. Science Literacy | University of Toronto Gerstein Science Information Centre | 2023
  6. Developing Science Literacy in Students and Society: Theory, Research, and Practice | Journal of Microbiology & Biology Education | April 2023
  7. Promoting Science Literacy and Awareness across the Globe: the Role of Scientists as Science Ambassadors | Journal of Microbiology & Biology Education | April 2023
  8. Scientific Literacy: A Conceptual Overview | Science Education | January 2000
  9. The Nature of Science: From Test Tubes to YouTube | The American Biology Teacher | November 2010 
  10. The Meaning of Scientific Literacy | International Journal of Environmental and Science Education | July 2009
  11. Science Literacy for All: More than a Slogan, Logo, or Rally Flag! | Issues and Challenges in Science Education Research | January 2012
  12. Increasing Science Literacy – and Trust and Value Fluency | Canadian Science Policy Centre | December 2020
  13. Beyond Science Literacy: Science and the Public | International Journal of Environmental & Science Education | July 2009
  14. Views: Science Literacy: Public understanding of science is becoming vitally needed in developing and industrialized countries alike | American Scientist | May 1975

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